Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nathel Hernandez Remodeling House Ideas 03

Remodeling House Ideas : Nathel Hernandez Remodeling House Ideas 03

The tone and rhythm contrasts amounted complementary colors such as that generated red, white and black. They reigned in of this multifunctional environment (White, for example, present in the furniture, walls and curtains, contributed to refl ejo of light to your time, the red gives it a feeling of warmth and joy to the whole room). As for texture, visually dominate the surfaces smooth and bright, while tactilely, hardness and softness were observed in the various areas that reflect to light. Accessories used (sponsored in Decorations Minerva mostly) emphasized the new character of the setting. the prevalence red in detail how the cushions and tables
(in the room), the lamp (in the room) and the shelf (in the mini-office) undertook to harmonize,
highlight and overlapping each of these areas, and were part of the composition of Nathel Hernandez I was able to generate a large "change radical "in a tiny social space.

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